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Jupiter in astronomy, fifth planet from the sun, and the largest planet in the solar system. Named for the ruler of the gods in Roman mythology, Jupiter has 1400 times the volume of earth but is only 318 times more massive. Thus, the mean density of Jupiter is about one-fourth that of earth, indicating that the giant planet consists mainly of gas rather than the metals and rocks of which the earth and other inner planets are composed.




Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun, and the second largest in the Solar System. Saturn's most distinctive feature is its ring system. Its rings are made of ice, rock and dirt. Saturn is made of gas.






Uranus also the one of the major planet in the Solar System, equivalent in brightness to a sixth-magnitude star. Uranus is blue-green in colour. It comes from the planet’s gases. Unlike other planets, Uranus is lying on its side as it goes round the Sun.




Neptune is the fourth largest of the planets in the Solar System. The distance of Neptune from the sun is 4.5 billion km. Neptune is coved with a blue ocean of liquid methane. It is cover by thick clouds. Neptune is a gas giant. It has a rocky core covered with a mixture og gases and liquids.




Pluto is the planet ninth in order and furthest from the Sun. It is the smallest planet in Solar System. Pluto is very cold because it is very far from the Sun.



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